Bimal Patel, the renowned architect, is credited with designing India's upcoming new Parliament building, which is set to be inaugurated on May 28th. Apart from its political significance, this triangular structure has been making headlines due to its unique design. Bimal Patel, who is also associated with the Central Vista project, has garnered attention as the architect behind this iconic structure. Referred to as "Modi's Architect" in political circles, Patel has been involved in various major projects throughout his career.
Subheading 1: Early Education and Career Bimal Patel obtained his architectural diploma from CEPT in Ahmedabad in 1984. According to the company's website, he currently serves as the Chairman and Managing Director of HCP, a prominent firm based in Ahmedabad. Following his initial education, he pursued a Master's degree in City Planning in 1988. In 1995, he earned a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from the University of California.
Subheading 2: Establishing Environmental Planning Collaborative (EPC) In 1996, Bimal Patel founded the Environmental Planning Collaborative (EPC). Since 2012, he has also served as the Chairman of CEPT. His contributions and leadership have been recognized with the prestigious Padma Shri award in 2019.
Subheading 3: Notable Projects and Contributions Apart from his involvement in the Central Vista project, Bimal Patel has played a key role as the principal architect in several significant projects. These include the Kashi Vishwanath Dham in Varanasi, Sabarmati Riverfront Development in Ahmedabad, and the master planning of the Jagannath Temple in Puri. He has also made substantial contributions to various urban projects in Gujarat. His company, along with Aga Khan Academy in Hyderabad, Amul Dairy in Mumbai, Chennai's Container Terminal, and the design of IIT Jodhpur, have all showcased his architectural expertise.
Subheading 4: Collaboration with PM Modi In 1995, Bimal Patel's association with CG Road came into the limelight. It is said that his commendable work on the Sabarmati Riverfront led to him being entrusted with the responsibility of Kankaria Lake as well. In 2014, after Narendra Modi assumed the position of Prime Minister, Patel was assigned the task of developing Kashi Vishwanath Dham. Interestingly, he was also involved in the redevelopment of Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad, which fell under the purview of the Prime Minister's Office.
Bimal Patel's expertise and contributions to the field of architecture have gained widespread recognition. As the architect of India's new Parliament building, his remarkable design skills and extensive experience have made him a prominent figure in the architectural community. His association with various significant projects and his collaboration with Prime Minister Modi have further cemented his reputation as a visionary architect. The upcoming inauguration of the new Parliament building marks another milestone in Bimal Patel's illustrious career.