In a tragic incident near the Canada-US border, a Gujarati family from the Dingucha village in Gujarat's Gandhinagar district lost their lives while attempting to enter the United States. The family of four, including a couple and their two children, fell victim to the freezing temperatures while illegally crossing the Canada-US border. This shocking event has brought to light the harrowing circumstances faced by the family as they strived to fulfill their dream of living in America.
The Arrest of Two Agents from Kalol and Ahmedabad According to a report by the news agency PTI, the Ahmedabad Crime Branch has arrested two agents in connection with the deaths of four members of a Gujarati family near the Canada-US border. These agents are accused of illegally facilitating the family's travel abroad. Additionally, the Gujarat Police has issued arrest warrants for two other individuals residing in Canada and the United States. These individuals are suspected of orchestrating the illegal transportation of 11 people from Gujarat to the United States.
Tragic Deaths Due to Extreme Cold at the Canada-US Border Nearly a year ago, in January 2022, Jagdish Patel, his wife, and their two children from the Dingucha village in Gujarat's Kalol taluka lost their lives due to extreme cold near the Canada-US border. Chetan Mandalik, Deputy Superintendent of Police (Crime Branch), stated that the investigation revealed the involvement of the accused in illegally assisting 11 individuals from Gujarat in crossing the international border (Canada-US).
Instructions to Walk in -35 Degrees As per the investigation conducted by the Times of India, the Patel family, after falling into the trap of these agents, found themselves trapped in the freezing conditions. The agents had warned the family that they would have to walk in -35 degrees Celsius, emphasizing that failure to comply would result in apprehension by the police of both the United States and Canada. The family and the other individuals were instructed to follow the lights of a petrol pump in complete darkness along the American border. They were given no other guidance. Trapped in the Snow and the Resulting Tragedy
Tragically, the Patel family got stuck in the snow not far from the American border, facing severe cold weather conditions. Their struggle to survive in the extreme cold ultimately led to their demise. The bodies of the family were discovered in the snow by police officers from the United States and Canada. In their desperation to fulfil their American dream, Jagdish Patel from Dingucha village had paid a substantial sum of money to these fraudulent agents, who attempted to smuggle the family into the United States illegally. The Crime Branch's Deputy Commissioner of Police, Chetan Mandalik, identified the two agents involved in the case as Fenil Patel and Bittu Paaji, both of whom have been declared wanted.
Conclusion The tragic death of the Gujarati family near the Canada-US border serves as a sombre reminder of the risks and dangers faced by individuals attempting to cross international borders illegally. It highlights the desperate measures people are willing to take to pursue their dreams and seek a better life. Authorities must continue to work diligently to prevent such incidents and raise awareness about legal and safe immigration options. The loss of innocent lives in pursuit of a brighter future is a stark reminder of the human cost associated with illegal immigration.